95 minutes
A FREE sneak preview:
Glass (2003)
October 28, 2003 at 8:00pm in 26-100.
This film tells the true story of fraudulent Washington, D.C.
Stephen Glass (Hayden Christensen, Star Wars), who rose to meteoric
heights as
a young
writer in his 20s. He became a staff writer at "The New Republic" for
three years (1995-1998), where 27 of his 41 published stories were
either partially or completely made up. Looking for a short cut to fame,
Glass concocted sources, quotes and even entire stories, but his
deception did not go unnoticed forever, and eventually, his world came
crumbling down...
This show is a FREE sneak preview! Admission is limited to the MIT
Community and other students. An MIT ID or other student ID is required
for receipt
of up to two tickets per ID. Tickets will be available at 6pm in Lobby 16 on the 28th.