
May 11, 2010

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A FREE event

Australian Short Film Today

May 11, 2010 at 7:00 pm in 26-100

FREE admission, sponsored by the American Australian Association.

Featuring the latest and greatest award-winning films from Down Under, in formats including live action, animation, and claymation. New York-based Australian curator, Susan Talbot, will introduce the films.


A young filmmaker traces the links between her feelings and her work.


Dissatisfied with her home life, a Pacific Islander schoolgirl lives a fantasy in a model home.

Being Carl Williams

Actor Gyton Grantley, best known for his TV portrayal of the notorious murderer Carl Williams, plays himself in a deadly case of mistaken identity.

Liebermans in the Sky

On the worst day of his life, a waterbed salesman realizes that, like levitation, there are some things in life we cannot achieve.

The Cat Piano

A beat poet narrates a film noir tale about a city of singing cats.


Seeking independence, a 35-year-old with Down Syndrome sets out to get a job in the city.

Miracle Fish

2009 Oscar Nominee (Best short film, live action)

Awaking to find his school mysteriously deserted, a solitary eight-year-old learns something about how words and actions can impact lives.

The Love Song of Iskra Prufrock

A young x-ray technician fleeing her past is forced to confront the shadows.


A disgruntled farmer and his hard-working dog struggle to survive in a harsh rural landscape.

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