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LSC : Lectures
William R. Thomas:What Business Can Teach Ethics
Wednesday April 19, 7:30pm in 2-190
In this provocative talk, economist William Thomas challenges conventional thinking about commerce and ethics. He offers a bold new view of the moral status of the marketplace - and a revolutionary principle that applies not only to trade, but to family, friendship, and love as well.
Brought to you by LSC and Radicals for Capitalism.
Stephen Hicks:Socialism, Capitali$m, and Postmodernism
Wednesday April 26 7:30pm in 2-190
  • Is socialism dead?
  • Has the free market prevailed?
  • Or with "Postmodernism" has socialism absorbed the lessons of its setbacks and evolved new strategies?
Brought to you by LSC and Radicals for Capitalism.
LSC Concert Event Presents: The Nields
Saturday May 13, 7:00pm in Sala de Puerto Rico
$8.00(MIT ID)
Another great concert by LSC with another great band!
At 4:00pm attend a special free lecture by Jess Klein. She will play some tunes, talk about being a young musician in New England, and then answer questions from the public.
At 7:00pm the featured band is The Nields! Jess Klein will be joining them at 7:00pm too. It will definetely be an incredible concert night. The event is for all the MIT and Wellesley communities; tickets will be sold at the source in late-march/early-april.
More information...
Buzz Aldrin
Friday June 16, 7:00pm in 10-250
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin will talk about his latest book, The Return and give a slide presentation about the space program and his experiences
Brought to you by LSC and the MIT Coop.
Douglas Adams
Unfortunately the Douglas Adams lecture that was previously scheduled for this term had to be postponed for either the Summer or Fall. As we obtain more information we'll post it on this site.

If you have any suggestions or requests for lectures, please visit the Contact LSC page for contact information.

All of the scheduled lectures are FREE unless their description indicates otherwise.

Thank You!

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(c) 1999 MIT Lecture Series Committee